The doors were first opened in 1994 and we knocked down a few more walls in 2008 to give you more room to sit! We’re all about selling fantastic fries and luxury lunches with friendly, fast service! We’re happy, happy, happy that we’ve just been awarded 1st place in Customer Service in Ballymena.
We know it’s overplayed but at Nobel we only provide the freshest, highest quality products! We really mean it. Our customers are busy people, that’s why we provide fast and efficient service from the friendliest faces in town!
They will make your visit worthwhile. They smile, provide the best, efficient service for miles and they love Nobel Café. We look after them, they look after our customers. Simple.
Going for a Nobel breakfast will be the best part of your day. A Nobel lunch is freshly prepped and to the best consistent standard. You won’t be disappointed.
We win awards – lots of them but we stay humble. Thank you to our customers and staff.
We have the drive and determination to make our business better and better for you.